
Demande - Room

Check in*
Check out*

Dear Customer,

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 13 of EU Reg. 679/2013, we inform you that your personal data will be processed in compliance with the applicable legislation. The Data Controller is SGA S.R.L. (VAT / Tax code: 04208810277) with registered office in Jesolo, Piazza Brescia no. 5; e-mail address:; certified e-mail address: (hereinafter also referred to as the “Data controller”).

The personal data you provide, such as your name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address will be processed to check the availability of the facility during the period you have indicated and in general to respond to your requests. The Data Controller does not process health data, unless you provide such data to request special services. Data may be processed using hard-copy and computerised tools. The data are kept for the time necessary to process the request, unless the request is followed by a booking, in which case the data will be processed for this purpose, as per the specific policy. Subject to your explicit consent, the e-mail address you have provided may be used to send you special offers and newsletters from SGA S.R.L. and the other companies in the MJH HOSPITALITY GROUP to keep up to date with initiatives, offers and services of accommodation facilities managed by the aforementioned companies. You may at any time unsubscribe from the newsletter as indicated at the foot of the e-mail newsletter received or by contacting the Data controller directly at the e-mail address or certified e-mail address indicated above.

We may use your mobile phone number to send you whatsapp messages in order to send you information about your stay and to respond to your queries in a timely manner during your stay. The legal basis is consent. The data are processed and stored for the duration of your stay, unless it is necessary to extend the storage for the protection and exercise of the rights of the data controller.

Personal data are processed within the European Union. In the event of any processing outside the European Union, the same will only take place after the adoption of adequate safeguards, as provided for by the legislation in force.

In your capacity as a data subject, you have the right to exercise the rights set out in Art. 15 et seq. of EU Reg. 679/2016, such as, right of access, amend, deletion, restriction and objection to the processing of your data; right to obtain without impediment from the controller your data in a structured, commonly used format that is legible from any automatic device for transmission to another data controller, if technically feasible; right to withdraw consent to processing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on the consent acquired before the withdrawal; right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Personal Data Protection Authority –

These rights can be exercised by contacting the Data Controller at the contact details indicated above.



Appartements de Design Venise

Vos vacances au centre de Venise

entre histoire et design.

Découvrez la magie de Venise en séjournant dans l'un de nos appartements de design au cœur du centre historique.

Une nouvelle idée de l'hospitalité pour ceux qui rêvent de vivre un week-end ou des vacances dans la ville la plus romantique du monde sans sacrifier la liberté et l'intimité d'une maison privée.

San Marco Suite Map
Notre Suite - apartments
Des appartements exclusifs dans un ancien immeuble vénitien à quelques pas de la place Saint-Marc.
  • Sabbia

    La luminosité du blanc et du sable rehausse l'ameublement et les planchers d'origine de style vénitien, qui dans ces appartements trouvent leur splendeur.

    Les suites "Sand" sont rehaussées par la luminosité du blanc et du sable, qui rappellent l'élégance des marbres de l'architecture historique du lieu, rehaussées par des décorations aux géométries typiques présentes dans le Palazzo Ducale de la Piazza San Marco.

  • Laguna

    Un contraste intemporel entre les formes géométriques des lumières et les gris romantiques des meubles, pour des vacances raffinées et élégantes.

    Les Suites "Laguna" sont caractérisées par des pigments gris qui la rendent particulièrement charmante et romantique, entourée de forts contrastes de lumière et d'accessoires noir et blanc, un contraste intemporel.

  • Mare

    Le bleu de la mer et les lignes modernes du meilleur design italien s'unissent dans ces appartements remplis de détails fins et raffinés.

    Les Suites "Mare", en bleu, une couleur qui caractérise et embrasse de nombreux aspects de Venise, des nuances de ses paysages entre ciel et mer aux décorations de vitraux antiques et de mosaïques précieuses.

Découvrez nos offres exclusives et les nouvelles les plus récentes de Venise. Une surprise pour vous!